A Mama Love Letter

Hey, Mama.

You are such a GOOD Mom.

Like, legit GOOD.

Matter of fact, you're killing this motherhood gig.

Parenting, as we know, is no joke. And then there’s that global pandemic. Shit is a hot mess.

But not you. You are not merely surviving, you are thriving, Mama. You lift your chin and salute the mountain of laundry, the sanitizing, the Zoom , the meal planning, the boo boo kissing, the activity orchestrating, the emotional anchoring, the homeschool navigating , etcetera, etcetera, ecettera.

How do you even do it?
And maybe more importantly, 
why do you do it?

I kid.

Girl, I know you adore being a mother. Here is a love you once daydreamed about, but never quite fully understood until it happened. Your own personal version of Mama love makes you crazy like a bear, and you wouldn't give it up. (Well, sometimes, fueled by the chaos, you find yourself unhinged just enough that you are more than willing to give them up—for at least a few hours.)

Let’s be real—no one even gave you an instruction manual, yet you stepped into this role like a MF boss, and you haven't taken a day off since day one.

You are brave in the face of danger (PVC-powered ninja swords being flung about your face by a clumsy 11yo, for example). You stand tall in moments of meltdowns (whether they be toddler or preteen—both equally disturbing). You show strength when everyone else in your house has given up (typically during chore time and/or at bed time).

Against all odds, beautiful mother, you do not falter.

People get medals for this type of stuff.

For real. Motherhood is, by far, the most difficult unpaid job in the history of jobs and you are not only making it happen, you're also supporting your best Mama friends as they do their own hustle. These women (and sometimes very fabulous men) are sometimes referred to as “your village”, but let’s face it—there’s no “village”, per se. Y’all are all just frantically paddling in your own little lifeboats, hoping nobody falls out.

Your children love you.

They see your strength. They are comforted by it. And just like every mom you compare yourself to on social media, you are figuring it all out, one breath at a time. You've been so very GOOD at making moments special, caring for their needs, showing up to sword fight even when it’s dark and the mosquitos are out. You have gracefully created not only a safe home, but also a safe space where love is expressed, creativity is encouraged, and a healing hug is always ready.

YOU deserve a big healing hug. You also deserve something sparkly, a few handmade loves notes from your offspring, and white-glove service offering you the beverage of your choice just as you finish a full day (alone!) at the spa.

You deserve all the things, Mama.

You've sacrificed a few of your own dreams in hopes that turning that investment over to your children’s future will yield even the tiniest amount of success and joy for them. You carry the weight of their hardships because you know that carrying your babies will forever be your greatest gift.

You inspire the Mama in me.

You're my hero.
And if I were a mom, I'd want to be just. like. you.

With love,
a GOOD friend