The Wealth Codes: 3 Pillars to Build Massive Wealth and Make a Positive Difference

Guest post by Stacy Hartmann

Can you build wealth and make a difference in the world?

The answer is a shout-it-from-the-rooftops, yes!

Here’s the thing…

We’re living in turbulent times right now, and it’s critical that we heal our relationship with money, so we can learn to create conscious wealth and rebuild a world of equality, inclusivity, freedom, and love for all.

As a master business coach and founder of the Wealth Minimalist movement, I’ve taught thousands of visionary entrepreneurs, coaches, and leaders how to build conscious wealth and abundance with the Wealth Codes.

The Codes provide a proven framework you can use to strive less and make room for what matters to you so you can fulfill your purpose and start creating the positive changes you want to see in the world.

Wealth Code #1: The Awareness Code

The Awareness Code is about releasing judgment — especially self-judgment — so you can shine the light of awareness on your personal power and potential.

Self-judgement is one of the biggest blocks to wealth, and it will hold you back from creating money and abundance with ease.

The truth is you are perfectly imperfect, just as you are, and you don’t need to be “fixed.”

So start practicing non-judgment by seeing yourself and the world NOT through the lens of problems but through the high-vibrational lens of possibility.

Working with the Awareness Code: The next time you’re up against a challenge around money and abundance, stop asking “what’s wrong” and “what needs to be fixed” and start asking “what can I learn from this?” or “what’s the potential here?” This will get you to switch from looking at problems to focusing on possibilities.

Wealth Code #2: The Alignment Code

I created $100k in my business in less than three months because I received an idea out of the blue — it turned out to be something people absolutely loved and couldn’t get enough of.

And I was led to that idea through the energy of creative wisdom and my intuition.

The good news is, the energy of creative wisdom is available to us at any time. You can tap into it by paying attention to messages, ideas, insights, and wild synchronicities in your daily life experience, conversations, and connections with others.

Working with the Alignment Code: Look out for synchronicities and messages that come through your intuition and then take action as soon as possible. For instance, if you get an “inner nudge” to call an old friend you haven’t talked to in years, don’t wait — make that call. You’ll be amazed at what could come from it!

Wealth Code #3 The Awaken Code

The 3rd and final Wealth Code is about awakening to the two realities that you have access to at all times.

The first is your Past Reality, which is constantly recreating your present situation, and then there’s your Future Reality, which is about what could happen for you.

Most people unconsciously focus on their Past Reality and so they end up recreating past patterns, behaviors, and situations. This pulls them away from creating a new Future Reality, which is the reality they truly desire.

You can create a new money reality when you consciously visualize your Future Reality — what’s possible for you — and then live each day as if you’re already there.

Working with the Awaken Code: Just to be clear, this isn’t about ignoring the present or “pretending” things are great when they’re not. This is about accepting your current money situation but focusing your energy and attention on what’s possible and what you desire in your Future Reality. And because we live in an ever-expanding Universe, everything is possible at all times.

About Stacy: Stacy Hartmann is a business success coach, international speaker, and the founder of The Wealthy Minimalist. She helps the world's leading coaches, consultants, and expert-preneurs transform their lives, their businesses, and their bank accounts without the hustle. Learn more about Stacy and her work via right here.

Image by Jeffrey Erhunse