Tune In to You: The Calibration Process

by Chelsea Connors

Are you sick of hearing the age old advice “make sure you’re taking care of yourself” time and time again?

So many hear that advice, and are left wondering what it actually means. What does that look like in the midst of a full/busy life? Where should you even start? How can you REMEMBER to do the things that actually feel supportive and nourishing when you’re stressed, sad, overwhelmed or feel the weight of the world on your shoulders?

First of all, know that you are not alone here! How understandable to be struggling with all of this. It is a lot to keep up with—work, relationships, friendships, parenting, health (to name a few), while also remembering and prioritizing your own well-being.

I’d like to walk you through my Calibration Process—a unique practice I use with my clients to help strengthen this skill. It’s a holistic approach to your well-being that is flexible. This means you can work through it in 5-10 minutes or take a few hours to really flesh it out. 

Not only does this practice “take care of you”, it can also help you tune into yourself and your needs. This Calibration Process can help you increase awareness around your inner dialogue and be more intentional with your time, your choices, your life. 

Let’s dive in.

  1. Start with a simple check in. Create some space and run through these questions either in a journal or in your head.

    1. How am I feeling right now?

    2. What am I needing/wanting/craving?

    3. How is my energy?

    4. Look ahead: What do I have coming up today/this week?

    5. How do I want to feel? Mentally? Physically?

    6. How could this be easier?

  2. Check your mental noise. It’s normal for thoughts to come up throughout this process. What you can or can’t do. Who you should or shouldn’t be. Pay attention. What’s the story you’re telling yourself? Where is fear hiding?

  3. Based on your check in, identify 1-4 realistic things you can do for you. Look for what’s possible. Be flexible. Prioritize & include your well-being on that list. (ie. organize an area of your space, move your body, get a glass of water, a walk outside, 10 deep breaths, etc)

  4. What’s the point? Circle back to the big picture of making these small tweaks. Using your values as a guiding light can be so helpful when you feel the urge to write this practice off as unimportant. What are your values? Why DOES this practice matter to you in the long term?

  5. Detach from the outcome. This is not another process to check all the boxes. It’s an offering and an invitation to check in, to ground into what you’re needing and who you want to be.

Rinse and repeat this five-step Calibration Process as often as it supports you. Your needs and mental health matter. Having regular check-ins and making time for yourself can help you find so much more clarity and peace in moving forward.  

Chelsea Connors is a Certified Life Coach, therapist and speaker using a holistic approach to mental and emotional well-being. She is the founder of The Practice, a virtual membership supporting you in exploring and nurturing your emotional well-being. She supports her clients in navigating the anxiety and stress that is often overwhelming in the “real world” so that they can feel more grounded, intentional and joyful in life.

Image via Michael Dam.