GOOD Resources for GOOD Allies

GOOD exists to empower, inform, uplift, and transform the well-being of women. 

With humble hearts, we acknowledge that the version of "wellness" we have so proudly presented during the last three years has done little to advance the just and equitable well-being of all women throughout our global community.

As our team continues to unfold and unravel our own sense of purpose as it relates to the wellness of women, we encourage you to look to the following sources for guidance, clarity, and perspective.

To love, to healing, to justice (and wellness) for all. 🖤

+ A GOOD start: Here is a guide to anti-racism for beginners + white people.

This is a GOOD one: The Wellness of We is a practice to advance collective well being, and it is potent, powerful, and probably going to break your heart. (It broke ours. Wide open.)

This ongoing dialogue, led by GOOD friend Maryam Ajayi, has been connecting diverse voices within the wellness community for more than a year. 

+ Build your own library to pull from and share with this comprehensive booklist for understanding and dismantling racism.

+ The Obama Foundation has compiled a collection of resources to guide the creation of a just and more equitable world.

South Carolina Women's Basketball Coach Dawn Stanley wants you to know something about black people—they're tired.

+ This beautiful Southern soul offers yet another view of what it means to be a black woman, but also what it means to just be human.

+ For parents, here is a thorough compilation of resources and conversations to help you discuss race and racism with your children.

+ Books, podcasts, organizations, social influencers, films—this resource is overflowing with opportunity for you to listen and learn.

+ This is an easily digestible guide to how you can support marginalized communities.

+ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar paints a picture to inspire not a rush to judgement, but a rush to justice.

+ We feel this 1988 essay on white privilege is an important perspective to include.

Your turn! Is there an important voice we missed? Please let us know and we will add to this GOOD list.