How Human Design Can Teach YOU About YOU

“Human design is a system that sheds light on your emotional, psychological and energetic makeup, giving you the self-awareness and tools to align with your nature and step into your highest potential in every area of your life,” says Erin Claire Jones, our friend and recent guest speaker at our GOOD NYC pop up.

Similar to an astrological birth chart, your human design blueprint is calculated based on your birth date, time, and place. (Curious what yours is? Find out HERE.) This blueprint gives you a map of your unique energy, which educates you on your behaviors, patterns, and personality traits. It’s like an instruction manual for your life.

Good Fest Co-Founder, Jen’s, Human Design Chart.

Good Fest Co-Founder, Jen’s, Human Design Chart.

Skeptics - we see you. Human Design has a pretty wild origin story: in the late eighties, a man named Ra Uru Hu heard a mystic voice, which lead to 8 days and 8 nights of channeling a message from the universe. This message turned out to be a 400+ page text combining aspects of the I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics that became the basis of the Human Design system we see today.

Crazy, right? Being honest, we didn’t fully believe it at first either. But the number of people we’ve talked to who have learned their design and felt it REALLY matched their personality has been pretty astounding. So, skeptic or not - what harm is done by a tool that helps you reflect on yourself and your decisions?

At The GOOD Fest pop up event in New York City with Erin, we dove into each HD Type. Types and Strategy are the overarching main categories for HD, though full charts are much more complex. Here are some key takeaways:

  • GENERATORS - 70% of the population: Generators here to respond. They are the life force of the planet - the builders, the doers. They have an open aura that is constantly pulling life towards them. If it’s not a HELL YES - its a no. When they are doing something that makes them happy, they have a presence that makes others feel good just to be around them. 

    • MANIFESTING GENERATORS - 32% of Generators: Manifesting Generators are a subset of generators. Their aura is the same, as is their purpose of building and doing. This subtype has the POTENTIAL to manifest. Manifesting generators love to be busy, and thrive when working on multiple things at once.

  • PROJECTORS - 20% of the population: Projectors are here to guide. They wait for an invitation. They have a focused aura that allows them to see others deeply and fully, and are our wise, gifted guides. They thrive when helping others succeed, and flow best when sharing their fine tuned expertise with those who come to them for help.

  • MANIFESTORS - 9% of the population: Manifestors are here to initiate and make impact. They are the trailblazers who inform others before they take action. Manifestors need flexibility and the ability to pivot at will, and thrive when they speak up for what they believe in.

  • REFLECTORS - 1% of the population: Refelectors are here to serve as a mirror for those around them. Their aura samples and reflects all the energies around them and interestingly, find their flow when they LET GO of the need to define themselves. Reflectors find power in letting go of control.

Are you interested yet? Check out your chart, and keep in mind these 5 takeaways Erin taught us:

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  1. Human Design isn’t a belief system. There’s no agenda behind HD - it is a tool for growth and discovery.

  2. Human design is about more than your Type and Strategy, and though there are only 5 types, there are far more unique combinations when you study your 9 centers (open or closed), your channels, and your inner authority.

  3. Flowing is SO much better than fighting. Erin views Human Design as a lens through which we discover how we best operate. Can you choose to operate differently? OF COURSE. But things may just flow better if you choose to align with your design.

  4. There is RELIEF in knowing your design. There were so many sighs of “ohhhh. now I understand why I am the way I am, and it’s ok.”

  5. Human design is ESPECIALLY helpful when analyzing career choices and how to set yourself up for professional success.

Looking to dive a little deeper? You can find Erin Claire Jones HERE - she offers tons of insight on her social pages, and creates custom, 30 page, deep dive blueprints on your unique design. To take it a step further, The Definitive Book of Human Design and Jovian Archive are incredible resources for beginners and enthusiasts.